What do you get when you put lightning, luxury and love in a bottle! Shake it up and out comes Imani Vanzap, social media’s number number 1 Auntie. Seemingly dropped to Earth by the angels themselves, Imani began her emergence as the result of 25 years of entertainment industry experience through her nephew, Erik Dillard (Imani’s Creator/Producer/Manager). Seeing that people’s hearts were growing more weary with each social and global tragedy, Imani felt in her soul that love still mattered and needs a chance to be reborn in. Her mission is to help the world heal and feel again. She started with humble beginnings on Instagram in 2018. With nothing more than a cheap blouse, dollar store jewelry and unfortunate makeup (done by her nephew), the familiar comedic style still managed to spark an immediate audience as she covered pop culture’s hot topics with thought-provoking, spicy, sassy commentary. From controversies in politics to trap music, Imani intrigued thousands with her wit and range. Through keen social knowledge, precise comedic timing, and heartfelt compassion, she was coined as “the voice of the people”. Imani established and unshakable trust with her audience, so much in fact that people evolved from calling her Imani to Auntie.

The sudden global crisis of the 2020 COVID-19 shutdown marked Imani’s defining moment to launch her movement. With everyone adjusting to new isolations, mask regulations and social distancing, it inadvertently made people cold and lonely in ways we’d never imagined. At the same time however, this crippling culture-shock opened a door for new forms of entertainment. Imani seized the opportunity by intensifying her popular catch phrase “Fix Your Shyt”; a message many people were finally beginning to personally relate to in the efforts of embracing self development/care. Imani’s celebrity-parodies became wildly popular as people identified more with the public figures they once praised as perfect. Imani tore down the veil helped many people see the “humanity” in these stars. People were becoming okay with not being okay. 

In March of 2020, “Chasing Reality” an already popular LGBT YouTube Reality TV Show was in its sophomore season with their highly buzzed addition of “Chasing Dallas”. Ressie G, longtime friend of Imani, sparked an idea to add Imani as a more interactive version of Andy Cohen by appearing on a weekly basis during the episodes. Imani was seated as the show’s personal Shit Fixer, critiquing and praising the Cast Member’s moves. A warm response quickly escalated to piping hot as Imani became one of the highest watched scenes on the show’s algorithmic charts. By the end of the season, Imani’s fan base had grown nearly twice its size on Instagram. By her second season on the show, “Chasing Reality’s” viewership grew to nearly 100K per episode. Imani soon began producing her own talk series on her Instagram (@imanivanzap) entitled “Conversations”. This nightly 2-Hour show would become the platform to ignite the careers of many LGBT people. The show ’s success led her to hosting various Red Carpet events, acting opportunities such as in “The Assistant” (movie) by Alex Jante, and a Co-Host anchor on the Michael Jonvier Show and landing a 3-song recording deal.

In most recent news, Imani joined TikTok in February. Her unique appearance and infectious way of featuring other TikTokkers in duet fashion sky-rocketed. In just a few months, Imani gained over 640,000 followers, consequently tripling her Instagram audience from 8,000 to 22,000 followers! Imani continues to work diligently with her nephew Erik. They are dynamic in having opened up two successful on-line stores. Imani’s most popular product is her signature Clack Fan that she snaps when she screams her famous catch phrase “BECOME!”